
Jippis is an Jeopardy game you can play with friends, family or colleagues. Get started by creating your own Jeopardy game. After its created, others can join it.
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How is it played?



A player selects a question by category and difficulty


Who is the author of...


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The question is revealed and any player can buzz. If you buzzed first, you get to answer

Who is the author of...

Answer is..

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Correct answer gives points. A wrong answer deducts points and others may buzz to answer

Featured games

You can either create a game from scratch or create a game from existing tempaltes where you only have to fill in a few values

Music Jeopardy

A music jeopardy where players should guess songs that you play

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Regular Jeopardy

Create a Jeopardy using your own questions

Coming soon.. 😴